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MASH one:|Martha Anne|
John Edward|
Hannah Myrtle|
Thomas Albert|
Elsie Louisa|
Mary Agnes|
Walter Leo|
Augustus Charles|
Mildred Adelaide|
Gertrude Madolyn|
Cecil Waldo|
Clyde Elias|
More Haggerty PIX|
b: 22 July 1885, Littleton ME, attended by Dr Donald; bap: St Mary's RCCh, Houlton ME, 23 August 1885 Teacher; grad Ricker Classical Institute, Houlton ME and BosCtyHosp School of Nurseing, Boston MA; lifetime practising RN; stroke crippled in later years; resided Boston MA; continually housed, counseled & encouraged transiting relatives from farm to city; 8 kids:
m: John Patrick Costello 30 June 1915, St Cecilia's RCC, Boston MA; w: Thomas Costello & Mary Haggerty; O; Rev John J McGarry
d: 19 July 1972, Framingham MA; interred w/husband John, Evergreen Cem, Brighton MA, 8 kids: (more details under JPCMH)
...(return)Louise Marie:
b: 1916; retired bank mgr, USArmy wife resides/ volunteers in Wash DC
m: Alfred Britton, dissolved
m: Henry Miller, USArmy general officer, 1891-1949; no kids
m: Albert Barkin USArmy Colonel, 1911-1995; no kidsMary Veronica:
b: 1918; resides Franklin MA; retired Providence Journal employ
m: John DeNapoli, b: 1918; retired salesman; no kidsMargaret Adelaide: 1920-2000
former RN; navy wife; furniture retailer; real estate agent in El Cajon CA
m: John Murphy,MD, d: 1946
m: Arthur McIntyre, Cdr, USNavy Submariner, 1917-1997; no kidsJohn Patrick Jr:
b: 1922; retired/ resides & house hammers in Hartford CT
m: Marie Harding; 5 kidsRichard Joyce: 1923-1994
m: Barbara McCann; 8 kids; family resides in the Boston MA areaThomas Augustus:
b: 1925; lounges in Braintree MA
m: Alice Adele Bevilaqua, 3 kids
m/so: Christine Louisa Wessling, 2 kidsEdward Daniel:
b: 1928; retired IBM'er; lives in Raleigh NC;
m: Evelyn Brigitta Rompza; no kidsDaniel Joseph:
b: 1930; retired civil engineer; lives in Acton MA;
m: Julie Zafutto; 4 kidsPeter (canis): 1930-1940;
family dog; no puppies
b: 16 September 1886, Littleton ME; bap: 10 October 1886, St Mary's RCC, Houlton ME; Littleton Ridge potato farmer
m: Catherine P Langan; (b: 1886, d: 28 November 1922, interred St Mary's RCCem, Houlton ME, gravestone in place); 6 kids:
Catherine Louise.... b: 25 Nobember 1917, interred St Mary's RCCem Houlton ME, gravestone in place
Gerald Michael.... b: 16 October 1915, d: 1921, interred St Mary's RCCem Houlton ME, gravestone in place
John Herald.... b: 24 June 1913.... m: Alice Gertrude O'Donnell, b: 1925, on 20 August 1945.... honeymooned in Boston MA.... d: 18 October 1946, Boston City Hospital, Boston MA, ulcers operation.... interred St Mary's RCCem, Houlton ME.... gravestone in place
James Patrick.... b: 27 May 1914.... resides w/family, Hartford CT
Alice Mary.... b: 21 August 1919, probably at the farm (now GWTW), on Ridge Rd, Littleton ME USA.... grad RN, Simms Arlington Hosp, Arlington, MA.... practised at St Elizabeth's Hosp, Brighton MA, Boston Lying Inn Maternity Hosp, Boston MA.... USArmy Nurse Corp, ETO during WW2.... met & married her husband while oversea's on USArmy.... resides Houston TX with husband Erschel Redd & family, [1998]
|PIX: Redd's & Gann's|
m: Margaret Elliot.... b: 25 December 1891, Debec, NB, Canada.... lived w/daughter Catherine Louise for many years in San Antonio TX.... d: 30 June 1988, age 96 years, San Antonio TX.... interred w/husband John, St Mary's RCCem Houlton ME; 4 kids:
Catherine Louise.... b: 23 October 1926.... d: 4 May 1997.... was "boss lady" at Burke Hosp San Antone TX.... interred Togas National Cem, Portland ME.... not married
From the Bangor Daily News, in part...."Major Catherine Louise Haggerty, Ret USArmy Nurse Corp, the daughter of John E and Margaret (Elliot) Haggerty died May 4, 1997, in San Antonio TX, after a long illness with scleroderma. Louise graduated from Houlton High school, Madigan Memorial Hospital School of Nurseing and Southwest Texas Univ where she received a Bachelor of Arts. Prior to her military service she was employed by Boston City Hosp, NYCity VA Hosp and Georgetown Univ Hosp in Washington DC where she was a head nurse. She was a member of the retired army nurses assoc and was involved in various civic activities in San Antonio. While in the US Army Nurse Corps, Louise served in France, Korea and Vietnam. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated May 8, 1997, at the main post chapel at Ft Sam Houston in San Antonio TX"
|See Pix:.. Army Retirement doc|Margaret Mary.... b: 23 July 1925.... d: 13 December 1995.... USArmy Nurse Corps, 19 November 1951 to 12 January 1954, served in France.... interred Togas Cem, Portland ME.... for many years was a patient at St Elizabeth's Hosp in Washington DC.... not married
Robert Charles; b: June 1928, Houlton ME; d: 4 June 1992, at home, East Windsor CT; 63 years of age; USArmy vet, served 9 January 1951 to 24 December 1952; mem Vets of Foreign Wars, American Legion; worked 14 years for Union Carbide Corp ; m: Cecile Plourde of Houlton ME; 15 June 1953; 3 kids: Robert C, Patricia, & Catherine
Helen Gertrude.... Wintered in TX with her sister Louise, summered in Rockport ME; one time worked for the CIA; ... she & her dog Sheba are pictured in the church directory, Rockport ME; ... b: 7 November 1929, died 7 March 2002, creamated, lung cancer, memorial service 13 May 2002, interred with her parents at St Mary's RCCem Houlton ME .... SSN:007-24-0065... not married...
d: 22 April 1961, age 74 years; interred w/Margaret, St Mary's RCCem, Houlton ME, gravestone in place....
Hannah Myrtle Haggerty Donovan &
Martha Anna Haggerty Costello
early on
b: 10 December 1887, Littleton ME, attended by Dr Donald; bap: 19 December 1887, St Mary's RCC, Houlton ME
Farm wife & farmer, Ludlow ME; "had the gout"; "made great pies, doughnuts, chicken stews & dumplings", her sister Martha said: "Myrtle had a green thumb"; SSN: 007-36-1748; 5 kids:
m: Edward Clarence Dovovan, 13 November 1912, St Mary's RCCh, Houlton ME, Officiating: Rev Silke, witness: Thomas McMonigle & Etta Smith;
The Donovan Family, Michael & Jeremiah, emigrated Co Cork, Ireland, 1832 to Ludlow ME.... Edward, b: 27 October 1883, Ludlow ME.... mother d: when he was 5 years old.... attended Houlton schools.... went west on harvest excurisions.... worked for American Copper, Butte MT.... barbered for a time.... returned to farming, an activity for which he was greatly respected.... purchased his first Model T Ford in 1919.... chewed tobacco.... d: 56 years of age 11 November 1939, cancer; spent much time at Bostons Lahey Medical Clinic attempting to cure the problem .... interred at St Mary's RCCem, Houlton ME
"EDWARD C. DONOVAN--Owner of two hundred and eighty-five acres in Houlton Township, Aroostook County, on the Ludlow Road, Edward C. Donovan is one of the most prosperous farmers and public spirited members of the community. He engages in general farming, raising hay, grain and potatoes, which he sells in the local market."
"Edward C. Donovan was born on the farm he now conducts, in Aroostook County on October 27, 1883, son of Timothy J. and Alice (Hogan) Donovan. Timothy and Alice Donovan were each decended from families long established in New England and well and favorably known, the former having been born on the Houlton farm and the latter at Limerick. Timothy Donovan was active in matters of the community and wielded considerable power in politics. He was high in the estimation of the people of the town and countryside, and devoted his entire life to the farm, varying the crops and specializing in the raising of potatoes. Timothy and Alice Donovan were the parents of five children."
"Edward C. Donovan attended the public schools of Houlton and went immediately to work upon the farm for his father. His career has been an honorable one, and his prosperity deserved. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus and of the Catholic Church."
"Edward C. Donovan married Myrtle Haggerty, born at Littleton, daughter of Charles and Louise (Lafferty) Haggerty, her father having been a native of Houlton and her mother born at Benton, New Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs. Donovan are the parents of five children: John, Wilfred, Albert, Justina, and Timothy."
d: 3 June 1969, age 81 years; very sick at the end; interred St Mary's RCCem, Houlton ME
...(return)John Emmet.... m: Beryl McKeen, 16 June 1938, .... b: 19 September 1913 on the farm in Ludlow.... d: 2000.... musically inclined.... attended Northeastern Univ Boston MA.... was a auto & an aircraft mechanic.... was in the plumbing & heating business in Houlton.... taught in the Maine Vocational Tech School.... 2 kids: Michael & Patricia.... past resident of Gorham ME
|See Pix:.. Majorie Lee, Louise Costello, Wilfred Donovan & John Donovan|
|PIX:.. John Donovan, 1935|Wilfred Eugene.... m: Marion McClusky.... b: 26 September 1916, on the farm.... attended Houlton schools & Bangor Maine School of Commerce.... was a member of the 1932 National Cross Country Team.... 6 kids: Joseph, Daniel, Mary, James, Rose, William (2 lost in early deaths).... when visiting Aunt Mildred Haggerty in NYC, he liked , The Barley Corn on 45th St and Tim Costello's on 3rd Ave.... served as a Member of the 1954 Houlton Town Council.... Past Grand Knight, Houlton Council, Knights of Columbus.... at one time, he declined the nomination by both party's (Republican's & Democrat's I presume) for the State of ME senate.... US Senator, Ed Muskie, Democrat, ME appointed him to an insurance regulation job which brought him to NYC & Albany NY annually.... d: cancer
|PIX:.. Majorie Lee, Louise Costello, Wilfred Donovan & John Donovan at the Littleton Ridge farm|
|PIX:.. Wilfred: his tractor & his potatoes, digging for Fred Mooers, 1989|Albert Thomas.... m: Gwen Stevens.... b: 27 July 1919.... d: 20 April 1997.... raised on the farm.... attended the Univ of Maine where he excelled in basketball & presumably, his studies.... had his own farm for several years across from the homestead, the old Joe Donovan farm.... entered credit work for several years, after exiting farming.... 3 kids: Jane, Edward & Stephen.... resided Presque Isle ME, Bangor ME & Myrtle Beach SC.... SSN: 005-181765
Justina Dolores.... m: Leo Giles.... b: 15 September 1922.... probably named for her Gm: Alice Justina Hogan.... raised on the farm in Ludlow ME.... played basketball in high school.... attended Ricker Col.... back on the Ludlow farm, she once had a 100 cats.... graduated from Nasson Col in home economics.... taught school.... cafeteria mgr at Univ of Maine, Orono.... 3 kids: Mary, Margaret & Thomas.... daughter Catherine grad from Mercy Hosp, Bangor, ME.... resides in Bangor ME
|PIX:.. Granny, dau. Justina w/husband & kids|Timothy Justin.... m: Rosemary Zimmeth.... b: 27 February 1927, (probably named for his Gf Timothy.... d: 15 September 1994, brain cancer.... BA grad from Holy Cross.... served in the USNavy, 14 June 1950 to 13 June 1953, during the Korean War.... settled in CA working as a CPA.... returned to ME, Bangor.... 4 kids: Patrick, Judith, Anne & Bart.... suffered continual depression.... SSN: 005-22-9716
Ed Costello