Aroostook County Oral History Project
In June 1971, the Aroostook County libraries received a grant of $15,000 from Title I, LSCA Funds for the development of an informal oral history of the county. The project, with Mrs. Charlotte A. Melvin as historical consultant and with twelve libraries cooperating, was completed as proposed in September, 1972 and resulted in 115 cassettes, twenty of which are in French and two in Swedish.
As might be expected, the majority of the contributors were Senior Citizens, several of them well up in their 90's. The taped interviews with these people in the Saint John Valley, the Swedish settlement, the Syrian colony, the Allagash, and in all the major towns of the county have established a permanent and fascinating record of a time now gone by.
Subjects covered in the oral history are early farming and machinery, railroading, folksongs and folklore, politics, town meetings, smuggling, cross-border activities, Indians, sporting camps, schools and schooling, tall tales, and everything else that has made up the culture of the county.
Each participating library has a complete set of the cassettes for loan in its area. The Maine State Library has three sets, plus the general index, for loan throughout the state, and the Library of Congress, Folk Music Division, has several sets for loan nationally.
General Index
Acadian Colony, Madawaska, to 1842 - 0.00, 12.2, 12.7, 2.7 (Fr.)
Acadian cookery - 8.7
Acadian Cress - 2.7, 14.6
Acadian customs - See French Acadian customs
Acadian settlers - 0.00, 12.2, 12.7, 14.6, 14.8
Acadians and Acadian culture - 12.7, 14.6 (side 2), 14.8
Acadians and Acadian culture, differences from Franco-Americans - 14.6
Acadians, intermarriage with French of Quebec - 6.2
Acadians, origins and history before 1785 - 0.00, 6,2, 12.2, 12.7, 14.6 (side 2), 14.8
Acadians, now - 12.7
Acadian women, cultural role, historically - 12.2, 12.7
Lumbering - 6.1
Mills - 4.10, 9.13
Advent Christian Church
Ashland - 5.8
Crouseville - 15.9
Agriculture, competition from the West - 0.00
Airplanes, early - 4.6, 8.2
Albert, Christian, Van Buren - 14.1
Albert, Dr. Louis - 14.1
Albert, Mrs. Julie - 12.7
Albert, Mrs, Leenie Dufour - 2.4
Alcohol plant - 6.1
Allagash, Maine
Family life - 8.12
Farming - 8.3
Churches and religion - 8.3
Source of supplies - 8.6
Allaware pottery story - 8.10
Allagash Cave - 8.4
Allagash region, lumbering in - 1.1 (Fr.), 8.3, 8.4
Allagash River - 8.7
Boating - 8.3
Channeling - 8.3
Origin of name - 8.3
Traveling - 8.3
Allagash Settlement - 8.7, 8.8
Allaware pottery - 8.10
American Legion, Stockholm - 4.7
American Revolution - 0.00, 14.6 (side 2)
American settlers in St. John Valley - 14.8
Amity, Maine
Early settlers - 9.4
Amusements - 1.3 (Fr.), 1.9 (Fr.), 2.2 (Fr.), 2.4 (Fr.), 2.5 (Fr.), 2.8 (Fr.), 3.1 (Fr.), 3.3 (Fr.), 3.4 (Fr.), 3.5 (Fr.), 3.6 (Fr.), 8.3, 14.1, 14.9
Andersen, Mrs. Elsie, Stockholm - 4.8
Anderson, Fritz, Stockholm - 4.2 (Swedish), 4.7
Anderson, Mrs. Lillian (Landfers), Stockholm - 4.7
Anderson, Henry, New Sweden - 4.1 (Swedish). 4.6
Arctic rescue team - 13.3
Aroostook County, population groups - 7.9
See Acadians, French population - 0.00, 8.8
American settlers - 0.00, 14.12
Danes - 7.4
English, British settlers - 0.00, 4.9, 7.9. 8.2
Irish settlers - 1.9 (Fr.), 14.10, 14.12
Jews - 9.12
Scotch-Irish - 0.00
Swedes, Swedish immigration - 0.00, 4.1, 4.2. 4.6. 4.7, 9.13
Syrians - 7.5
Aroostook libraries, oral history project - 0.00
Aroostook, oral history project
Explanation - 0.00
Conclusions - 0.00
Aroostook County, "The County"
Compared to the West - 0.00, 7.9
General description - 0.00, 7.9
Special features - 0.00, 7.9
Aroostook County, general history - 0.00, 7.9
Aroostook Telephone Company - 5.6, 5.12
Aroostook River Valley
Coming of railroads - 0.00
Settlers - 0.00, 7.9
See Aroostook Valley Railroad, Bangor and Aroostook Railroad
Aroostook Road - 10.1
Aroostook Valley Park - 15.4
Aroostook Valley Railroad - 0.00, 4.6, 15.1, 15.2, 15.5, 15.6
Aroostook Valley Starch Company, Fort Fairfield - 7.4
Aroostook War - 0.00, 7.9, 12.2
Ashby, George, poem "Kingdom of Pines" - 7.6
Ashland, Maine
Blacksmith shops - 5.14
Businesses - 5.2
Churches - 5.9 (Catholic), 5.8, 5.12
Horse racing - 5.14
Library - 5.12
Livery stables - 5.14
Lumbering - 5.2. 13.2
Mills - 5.5, 5.12, 13.2
Railroads - 13.2, 15.12
Schooling - 5.2, 5.10, 13.4
Social life - 5.2
Telephone companies - 5.6, 5.12
See also Sheridan
Ashland Advent Christian Church - 5.8
Ashland Catholic Church and Mission - 5.9
Ashland Lumber Company and mills - 5.4, 5.5, 5.13
Ashland Race Track - 5.14
Astronomy and studies - 14.5
Atchison, Helen K., interviewer
Atlas Plywood Company, mills - 4.7, 9.15
Autographs, old book of - 11.1
Automobiles, early - 1.7 (Fr.), 2.6 (Fr.), 3,4 (Fr.), 4.1 (Swedish), 4.7, 4.9, 5.2, 8.2, 8.3, 9.3, 12.1, 12.3, 13.5, 14.11, 15.8
Ayoob, Lewis, Fort Fairfield - 7.5
Baker, John, and Baker crisis, 1827 - 1828 - 0.00, 14.12
Bakeries and baking - 2.4 (Fr.), 12.6
Bands and band concerts
Fort Fairfield - 7.5
New Sweden - 4.1, 4.2
Presque Isle - 13.1
Stockholm - 4.7
Bangor, as market - 0.00
Bangor and Aroostook Railroad - 0.00, 1.1 (Fr.), 1.3 (Fr.), 3.7 (Side 2), 4.6, 4.7, 4.9, 5.5, 5.12, 7.1, 7.6, 12.1, 12.2, 13.2 14.9, 14.10, 15.6
Bankruptcies, lumber - 8.1, 8.2
Baptist churches and Baptists
New Sweden - 4.7
Perham - 4.7
Barn construction - 7.10
Born raising - 1.1 (Fr.), 4.2 (Swedish), 7.9, 7.10, 8.2, 9.1, 15.5
Barrel mills and barrel-making
Fort Fairfield - 7.9
Houlton - 9.13
Barter - 3.3 (Fr.)
Butter and eggs - 3.3, 4.2 (Swedish)
See boats
Batty Mountain, Camden region, origin of name - 9.11
Beaulier, Gussie, Ashland - 5.1
Beaulier, Mao, Ashland, on guider - 5.7
Beaulieu, Eugene, Fort Kent - 1.7 (Fr.)
Beer and beer making - 1.9 (Fr.)
Beggars - 1.7 (Fr.)
Belanger, Marcella, Van Buren (Mrs. Elmer Violette) - 14.8
Benjamin, Michael ("Squire" of Patten) - 10.1
Bennett, "Put", Linneus, "self-made" doctor - 9.8
Bernard, James, Fort Fairfield - 7.9
Berry picking - 3.1 (Fr.), 3.6 (Fr.), 14.11
See also Raspberry factory
Birdseye Snyder pea operations - 9.1
Black Plague - 14.5
Blackflies and fly dope - 9.9
Blacksmith shops
Ashland 5.5, 5.14
Van Buren - 3.7 (Fr.)
Blacksmithing - 1.7 (Fr.)
Ashland - 5.14
Blackstone, Carol, Perham - 15.9
"Bloodless" War
See Aroostook War
Boarding houses - 3.7 (Fr.), 4.6 4.8, 4.9, 5.5, 7.2, 8.12, 15.9
Boats and boat building ‑
Bateaus - 8.3
Canoes - 8,2, 8.3
Pirogues - 8.2
Tow boats - 8.2, 8.5
Wangan boats - 5.1, 8.2, 8.5
Flanger - 2.6 (Fr.)
Bobsleds - 8.2, 8.3
Bookmobiles - 14.15
Boom, log, origins - 8.1, 8.5
Bootlegging - 5.5, 9.12
Border (U.S. and Canada)
See Boundary (U.S. and Canada)
Location and description
Question and settlement
Cross-border contacts
Cross-border migration
Customs houses
Customs officials
Bossie, Mr. _______, Madawaska - 2.4 (Fr.)
Boston, as market - 0.00, 4.2 (Swedish), 9.12
Boundary (U.S. and Canada) - 7.9, 12.2
Location and description
Question and settlement
Box socials - 5.10, 15.5, 15.6
Bragging - 1.5 (Fr.)
Bread making - 2.3 (Fr.), 2.4 (Fr.)
Brenner, Walter - 5.5
Fort Fairfield - 7.9
Fort Fairfield, covered bridge - 7.4, 7.9
Fort Kent, footbridge - 8.2, 8.3
Fort Kent - Clair, N.B. - 8.2. 14.7
Fort Kent, Joe Long's - 8.2
Madawaska - Edmunston - 2.1 (Fr.), 12.1, 12.6
Stockholm - 4.7
Wallagrass - 1.2 (Fr.)
Washburn - 15.1
Brown, lumber operator (St. John Lumber Co.) - 8.1
Brown, Sophia Pinette, Fort Kent - 8.11
Buckwheat, raising and use - 3.2 (Fr.), 8.6, 8.7, 9.1
Buckwheat pancakes - 1.9 (Fr.), 2.4 (Fr.)
Burleigh, Albert A. - 4.7, 9.3
Butchering - 2.4 (Fr.), 4.7, 4.8
Hog - 5.14
Butter, making and churning - 1.3(Fr.), 2.3 (Fr.). 3.5 (Fr.)
Selling - 3.3. 4.7
Butterfield, Margaret, Caribous, interviewer
Bicycles - 8.3
"California", Stockholm - 4.7
California Road - 5.11
Camp, woods, how to make - 8.1
Campbell, Bruce, Houlton - 9.10
Canada, settlers from
See Cross-border migration
Canadian-Pacific Railroad - 1.3 (Fr.), 7.9, 15.6
See also Aroostook Valley Railroad
Canadians, potato pickers - 9.1
Candlemaking - 1.6 (Fr.), 8.7, 12.7
Canoeing and canoe-poling - 8.7, 8.12
Canoe-making - 8.6, 8.7, 8.12
Canoes, birch - 12,7
The Capitol, New Sweden - 4.6
Caribou, Maine
Alcohol plant - 6.1
As market - 4.2 (Swedish), 4.7
Businesses - 9.12
Churches 6.2
Doctors - 4.2 (Swedish)
Road to New Sweden - 4.1
Schools - 4.10
Soils - 7.9
Caribou loam (soil) - 7.9
Carmichael, Lawrence, Monticello - 9.6
Carson, Ike, Fort Fairfield - 7.9
Cary, Everett, Washburn - 15.1
Casket-making and makers - 8.12
Castle Hill - 13.5
Cates, Harriet and Margaret Greaves, Houlton - 9.11
Catholic churches
See Ashland, St. Anne's
Edmunsten, N.B., St. Basile
Frenchville, Our Lady of the Snows
Madawaska, St. David
Mt. Carmel Chapel, Madawaska
Sacred Heart Church, North Caribou
Upper Frenchville, St. Luce
Catholic churches and missions
Ashland - 5.9
Frenchville - 5.9
Portage - 5.9
St. David, Madawaska - 14.6, 14.13
Sheridan - 5.9
Catholic Church history, Aroostook, early general, - 5.9, 14.14
Catholic customs and traditions
General - 14.8
Liturgical year - 14.8
Recent changes - 5.9
Catholic orders - 5.9
Good Shepherd Sisters, Van Buren - 14.8, 14.15
Marist Fathers, Van Buren - 14.8
Sisters of Wisdom, St. Agatha - 14.8
Catholic organizations
Daughters of Isabella, Madawaska - 12.3
Knights of Columbus - 5.9
Ladies Sodality - 5.9
Catholic schools
Catholic boarding schools, St. Agatha
See St. Agatha
Cattle drives - 0.00
Cemetery and cemetery tales - 6.2
Chapel, Eddy Siding - 14.3
Charcoal and charcoal making - 8.1
Chasse, Ernest, Madawaska, with genealogy - 12.6
Chasse, Geraldine, Madawaska, interviewer
Chataqua - 4.9, 10.2
Cheese factory - 5.4, 5.12
Chicken raising - 7.10
Childbirth and child care - 2.2 (Fr.), 2.4 (Fr.), 3.4 (Fr.), 4.10, 8.2, 8.6, 14.11, 14.9
At home - 2.8 (Fr.)
Childhood games - 10.2
Christie, Mrs. Augusta, Presque Isle - 13.4
Christmas customs and celebrations
In French communities - 1.4 (Fr.), 14.11
Swedish "Julotta" and customs - 4.1, 4.2, 4.8
Christmas - 1.4 (Fr.), 4.1 (Swedish), 4.2 (Swedish), 4.8
Christmas celebrations
In woods - 6.1
Swedish customs - 4.1 (Swedish), 4.2 (Swedish)
Church activities - 10.2
Circus - 7.9
Civil War letter - 7.8
Civilian Conservation Corps - 9.15
Clay well - 8.10
Clearing land - 3.1 (Fr.)
Clothespin mill, Stockholm - 4.7
Clothing - 3.6 (Fr.), 10.1
Clothing. homemade - 3.4 (Fr.), 3.5 (Fr.)
Clothing, for best - 13.5
Clothing, for school - 3.3 (Fr.), 2.5
Clothing, for woodsmen - 5.1, 5.2
Coffee and tea - 6.1
Coffin, Fred, Ashland - 5.12
Coffin. Mrs. Katherine (Kit), Ashland - 5.2
Cogswell, Zella, Fort Fairfield - 7.9
Cola & Pingree, lumber company - 5.2
Colleges -
See Fort Kent (State) College
Madawaska Training School
Normal schools
Ricker College
St. Mary's, Van Buren
Collins, "of Caribou"
Early auto - 4.1 (Swedish)
Lumbering - 4.1 (Swedish)
Potato buying - 4.8
Starch factories - 4.6
Congregational Church
Ashland, Union Congregational Church - 5.8
Aroostook Larger Parish (Portage, Ashland, Masardis, Oxbow) - 5.8
Connors, James (Jim), St. Francis and Allagash - 8.7, 8.8
Connors, Robert, story - 12.1
Connors, New Brunswick - 8.7, 8.8
Temiscouata Railroad
Convent, St. Agatha - 12.3, 14.8, 14.10, 14.15
Cooking, for woods crew - 5.13, 6.1, 8.1, 8.2, 8.4 (on wangan boat), 8.5 (on wangan boat), 8.12, 9.4
Cooking, home - 1.9 (Fr.), 2.4 (Fr.), 3.5 (Fr.), 8.12
Cooking, Syrian - 7.5
Cookstoves - 3.6 (Fr.), 5.2
Corn liquor, making - 5.14
"The Corporation" (Pond's Boom) - 8.2, 8.5
Cote, Charles - 1.5 (Fr.)
Courting customs - 1.7 (Fr.)
Covenant religious population (Evangelical Convent Church), "Covenant Church", "Mission Church"
New Sweden - 4.7
Stockholm - 4.2 (Swedish)
Covered wagons - 0.00
Craig, Benton, Ashland - 5.3
Craig, Gladys, Ashland, interviewer
Crétons - 2.3 (Fr.)
Cross-border (U.S. and Canada) contacts - 7.9, 8.5, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, 8.12, 14.10
Cross-border (U.S. and Canada) migration - 1.1 (Fr.), 7.9, 8.2, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, 8.12, 14.11
Crouseville - 15.9
Cullins murder - 5.11, 13.5
Cumming, William, Houlton - 9.7, 9.8, 9.9
Cummings, Mrs. Theodore, Caribou (formerly of Fort Kent)
(See for French customs) - 6.2
Cunliffe, genealogy - 8.3
Cunliffe's Depot - 8.1, 8.3, 8.7
Cunliffe's lumber operations - 8.1, 8.2
Cunningham, Frank, Presque Isle - 13.1
Cushman, Hazel Haines, Fort Fairfield - 7.8
Customs houses - 7.9, 14.2
Customs officials - 6.1, 6.2, 8.9
Cutler's Mill - 14.5
Cyr, Mrs. Dan, Madawaska - 2.2 (Fr.)
Cyr, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis - 1.3 (Fr.)
Cyr, Mr. and Mrs. Louis, Madawaska - 2.3 (Fr.)
Cyr, Onesime, Fort Kent - 1.6 (Fr.)
Daggett, Ora, Portage - 5.6
Daigle, Maine - 8.1
Daigle, Alice, Madawaska - 2.5 (Fr.)
Daigle, Firmin, Mrs. Robert Daigle (Baker Brook Old Age Home) - 1.5 (Fr.)
Daigle, Mrs. Remi, Fort Kent - 3.7 (Fr.)
Dairy farming and marketing - 4.7
Danes in Fort Fairfield - 7.4
Danish customs - 7.4
Daughters of the American Revolution - 9.11
Davenport, Donald, interviewer, Island Falls
Davis, Hunter - 10.1
Day, "Hez", lumber mill, Ashland - 5.10
Dead River Company - 14.5
Deane-Kavanaugh Commission - 14.8, 14.12
Death; funerals, caskets, beliefs and customs - 2.2 (Fr.), 6.2, 7.5
See also casket-making
Dentists, and services available - 5.2
Depression years - 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 8.1, 9.2, 13.4
Derosier, Mrs. Mathilda, Van Buren - 14.5
Desjardin, Patricia, Fort Kent - 8.13
Dickey, Major William - 12.7, 14.8, 14.10
Dickey settlement ("Dickeyville") - 8.3, 14.8
Dingwall, Dorothy, Presque Isle - 13.3
Dionne, Everett, Van Buren - 14.5
Dionne, Henrietta, Van Buren - 14.11
Diseases and illnesses - 4.8, 7.4, 9.8, 14.7
Black plague - 14.5
Diptheria epidemic - 4.1 (Swedish), 4.8
Pneumonia - 4.10
Disputed territory
See Boundary controversy
Doctors, and services available - 1.5 (Fr.), 2.2 (Fr.), 1.9 (Fr.), 4.8, 5.2, 8.6, 9.3. 9.8, 14.1, 14.3
Doctors by name
Dr. Louis Albert, Van Buren - 3.5 (Fr.) (side 2), 14.1
Dr. Page, Fort Kent - 1.9 (Fr.), 8.9
Dr. Sirois, Fort Kent - 1.9 (Fr.), 8.9
Dr. Thomas, Caribou - 4.2 (Swedish)
Dow, Earl - 7.1
Druggists and drugstores - 9.8
Drugs and prescriptions (Harrison Act) - 9.8
Drugstores - 5.2, 9.8
Drummond, William Henry, Poem, "The Bells of St. Michelle" - 8.8
Dubay, Mrs. Euphemie, Van Buren - 3.4 (Fr.)
Dubois, Alvey, Madawaska, interviewer
Dudley, Mrs. Mavis, Mapleton - 13.5
Dudley, David, store - 13.5
Dudley Homestead Restaurant - 13.5
Dufour family - 2.7 (Fr.), 2.8 (Fr.)
Dumont, Mrs. Isidore, Van Buren - 3.5 (Fr.)
Duperry, Sister Bertha - 14.14
Duperry, (Duperré) genealogy - 14.14
Dyes - 8.3, 12.7
Eagle Lake, Maine
Mills - 5.1, 8.2
Schools - 8.11
Eagle Lake Mill - 5.11, 8.2
Early settlers - 10.2
Earthquakes - 9.7
Oct. 24, 1924 - 14.2
Easter customs - 6.2
Easton, Maine, trading - 7.9
Edmunston, New Brunswick
As market - 8.12
Edmunston-Madawaska Bridge - 12.6
Hotels - 12.3
St. Basile Church - 12.7
Crouseville - 15.9
Madawaska - 2.5 (Fr.)
New Sweden - 4.1 (Swedish), 4.6
New Sweden, Stockholm, Caribou - 4.10
Perham - 15.9
St. John Valley - 14.8
Elections - 14.10
Electric railroad
See Aroostook Valley Railroad
Electricity and electrical systems
Fort Fairfield - 7.2
Houlton - 9.3
New Sweden - 4.10
Stockholm - 4.7
Van Buren - 14.8, 14.11
Ellis, Delta, Ashland - 5.8
English settlers
In St. John Valley - 8.2
In Stockholm - 4.9
Eureka Hall, Stockholm - 4.8
European and North American Railroad - 14.14
Fairley, Marjorie, Houlton - 9.11
Family ties, then and now - 4.7, 9.12
Family outings - 4.7, 14.10
Farm animals - 0.00, 1.6 (Fr.), 1.9 (Fr.), 4.2 (Swedish), 4.7, 4.8, 4.11, 7.6, 7.9, 8.7, 14.11
Farm labor - 4.6, 9.1
Farm life - 1.9 (Fr.), 3.6 (Fr.), 4.7, 4.8, 14.5, 7.10
Farm machinery - 4.6, 4.7, 9.1, 9.3
Farm machinery, manufacturers - 9.1, 9.3
Farming - 1.1 (Fr.), 1.3 (Fr.), 1.3 (Fr.) (side 2), 1.4 (Fr.), 1.5 (Fr.), 1.7 (Fr.), 1.9 (Fr.), 3.4 (Fr.), 4.6, 7.8, 7.9, 7.10, 12.4
See Dairy farming
Potato farming
Farming, early - 13.2
Farming equipment, then and now - 12.4. 15.3
Farming methods
Swedes as farmers - 4.6, 4.10
Farrel, Michael, Van Buren - 14.6
Farrell family, genealogy - 14.6
Fort Kent - Clair, N.B., Madawaska - Edmunston, N.B. - 2.6 (Fr.), 3.2 (Fr.), 3.7 (Fr.) (side 2), 6.1, 8.2, 14.7, 15.1
Allagash - 8.3
Fertilizer, use of and non-use of - 0.00, 1.6 (Fr.), 9.1
Fiddleheads - 8.7, 12.6
Fiddlers and their music - 9.6
Fire departments
Stockholm - 4.7, 4.9
Firewood, cutting - 1.1 (Fr.), 3.5 (Fr.)
Fish for food - 4.2 (Swedish), 8.7
Fishing - 8.8
Fitzherbert's Tavern (Fort Fairfield) in Aroostook War - 7.9
See boats and boatbuilding
Flax, raising and use - 0.00, 12.7
Fleas - 9.5
Flewelling, Evelyn, Crouseville - 15.9
Floods and ice jams - 4.7, 8.4, 8.6, 8.12, 9.5
Flour - 2.3 (Fr.)
Flour mills - 5.12
Flu epidemic (end of World War I) - 8.1, 14.1
Fogelin, Mrs. Annie, Stockholm - 4.8
Folklore - 7.6
Food - 7.10
Food storage and preservation - 2.2 (Fr.), 6.2, 8.3, 8.7
Forest fires and firefighting - 4.6, 4.9, 13.2
Lookout tower, Stockholm - 4.9
Forestry service - 13.2
Forests, importance of - 0.00, 7.9
Forts, Fort Fairfield - 7.9
Fort Fairfield, Maine - 7.4. 7.9
Aroostook War - 7.9
Bands 7.5
Bangor & Aroostook Railroad - 7.6
Bridges - 7.9
Businesses - 7.4, 7.9, 9.12
Churches - 7.6, 7.9
Covered bridge - 7.4, 7.9
Danes - 7.4
Early history - 7.9
Early settlers - 7.8
Fire - 7.4
Forts - 7.9
Maple Grove - 7.6, 7.8, 7.9
Mills - 7.2, 7.4, 7.9
Plymouth Grant - 7.4
Potato industry - 7.6
Schools - 7.4, 7.6, 7.8
Social life - 7.9
Starch company - 7.4, 7.9
Stevensville - 7.2
Fort Kent, Maine - 1.4 (Fr.)
Bridge - 14.7
Businesses - 8.2, 8.13
Doctors - 8.9
Families - 8.4
Ferries - 8.2, 14.7
Fire Department - 8.13
Fires - 8.13
Footbridge - 8.9
Lumbering - 8.1, 8.2
Mills - 8.1, 8.2, 8.13
Schools - 8.11
Social life - 8.2
Fort Kent College (Fort Kent Normal School) - 2.5 (Fr.), 14.5
See also Madawaska Training School
Fort Kent Mills Co. - 8.13
Foster, Marguerite, Fort Fairfield, interviewer
Fournier, Michael, Fort Kent, interviewer
Fournier, Mr. and Mrs. Michael, Edmunston, N.B. - 1.3 (Fr.)
Fox, Axie, Wade - 15.8
Franck, Mrs. James, Van Buren - 14.9
Fraser Company, pulp - 2.1 (Fr.), 12.6
Fraser, Donald - 12.6
Freeman, Theophile, Fort Kent - 1.9 (Fr.)
French, Marion, Fort Fairfield - 7.9
French Acadian customs (dancing, weddings, dowries) - 1.6 (Fr.), 1.7 (Fr.), 2.4 (Fr.), 6.2, 12.7
French language, types spoken - 14.8
Frenchville, Maine
Catholic mission and church - 5.9
Early automobiles - 3.4 (Fr.)
Friends' meeting house, Fort Fairfield - 7.9
See Social life
Frontier, Aroostook as a frontier - 0.00, 7.9
Fruit trees raised - 7.10, 14.11
Gagnon, Gerald, Van Buren, and ancestry - 14.11
Gagnon, Honore, legistlator
See Gagnon, Gerald
Gagnon, Mildred Smith, Van Buran - 14.10
Game wardens
Frank Austin - 8.1
General - 14.9
Tom Pelletier - 8.3
Games, checkers, cards - 1.9 (Fr.), 5.10
Gardens (home) and gardening - 1.4 (Fr.), 2.2 (Fr.), 3.5 (Fr.), 3.7 (Fr.), 14.11
Gardner, Lyle, Ashland
Pems and songs - 5.1
Toting - 5.4
Gardner, "Old Tom", famous guide - 8.7
Gas stations, early - 3.7 (Side 2 Eng.)
Genealogical information, by family name
Chasse - 12.4
Cunliffe - 8.3
(Duperré) - 14.4
Farrell - 14.6
Freeman - 1.9 (Fr.)
Gagnon - 14.11
Haines - 7.6, 7.8, 7.9
Le Blanc - 12.7
Marquis - 14.13
Michaud - 14.13
Pelletier - 8.3
Rice - 14.12
Smith, Mildred (Gagnon) - 14.10
Stevens - 7.2
Towle, Mary Estes - 7.8
Genest, Martha Cyr, Van Buren - 14.15
Glidden, Harold, Presque Isle - 13.6
Glue, homemade - 1.7 (Fr.)
Gorham Teachers' College - 4.10
Grain growing - 7.10
Grand Falls, New Brunswick
As market for groceries - 8.2
For outings - 4.7
Grange (Patrons of Husbandry) - 5.3
Great Northern Paper Company - 1.2 (Fr.), 14.6
Green, Alfred, Houlton - 9.12
Also for Green family, brothers
Green, Harry, peddler and businessman - 9.12
Green's stores - 9.12
Greenville, Maine. Atlas Plwood Co. mill - 9.13
Grindstone roads - 1.2 (Fr.)
Guerette, Mr. and Mrs. Rene, Madawaska - 2.3 (Fr.)
Guides and guiding - 5.13, 8.8
Haines, Daniel, Civil War letter - 7.8
Haines, Fred, inventor of the cultivator - 7.8
Haines, Helen, Washburn - 15.3
Haines, J. Wingate, early settler - 7.8
Haines, Rommy, Fort Fairfield - 7.4, 7.6
Haines, Rommy, Fort Fairfied, interviewer
Haines, Mrs. Rommy, Fort Fairfield, interviewer
Haines, Will, mill, Fort Fairfied, Maple Grove - 7.9
Hamlin, town affairs and officials - 14.10
Hamlin mills, lumber - 3.7 (Eng.)
Hammond Plantation - 9.11
Hannay, James, poem, "Maiden's Sacrifice" - 7.6
Harris, Isaac, Van Buren - 3.7 (Eng.)
Harvey, Chandler Gushman, Ed. For Fairfield Review. Poem, "Riverside Cemetery" - 7.6
Hayden, Sheriff (murdered) - 5.11, 13.5
Hebert, Sister Alma, Madawaska - 2.5 (Fr.)
Herron, Joe B., Van Buren - 14.7
Hersey, James - 9.11
Hildreth, Horace - 13.6
Hired girls - 3.7 (Fr.)
Holbrook, Stewart, quoted - 7.9
Holiday customs - 12.6
Home remedies and homemade medicines - 1.3 (Fr.), 1.6 (Fr.), 1.7 (Fr.), 2.8 (Fr.), 4.8, 8.7, 8.12, 9.8
Horse ailments and treatment - 9.8
Horse contests - 9.4
Horse Race Rapids - 8.1, 8.4
Horsedealers - 7.9, 9.3
Ashland - 5.2
Career Linwood R. Seeley - 7.9
Horse racing - 3.2 (Fr.), 5.14
Horsemen - 5.2, 5.11, 7.9, 8.2
Horse trading - 9.3
Horses, experiences with - 9.4
Horses, importance of - 8.8
Horses, use of - 1.5 (Fr.), 5.4, 8.2
Horses, race horses and owners. (John R. Braden, Jackson Gratten, Peter Simonson) - 9.1, 9.2, 9.3
See Blacksmithing
Hospitals - 1.4 (Fr.), 14.3
See also each town
Edmunston - 12.3
Stockholm - 4.8, 4.9
Van Buren - 3.7 (Fr.) (side 2), 3.5 (Eng.) (side 2)
Houlton, Maine
Atlas Plywood Company mill - 9.13
Businesses - 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.8, 9.12
Fire, 1902 - 9.10
Horse dealers - 9.3
Livery stables - 9.3
Machinery manufacture - 9.1, 9.3
Military Road "Houlton Road" - 9.11
Mills - 9.1
Organizations - 9.11
Potato shipping - 9.2
Race tracks - 9.3
Radio (WHOU) - 13.6
Schools - 9.1, 9.2, 9.3
Settlement, War 1812 - 0.00
Tannery - 9.2
Weather, weather records - 9.7
Houlton, as market - 6.2, 9.12
Houlton Agricultural Society and Houlton Fair Association - 9.1, 9.2, 9.3
Housekeeping and homemaking - 1.3 (Fr.), 1.9 (Fr.), 2.2 (Fr.), 2.4 (Fr.), 3.1 (Fr.), 3.3 (Fr.), 3.4 (Fr.), 3.5 (Fr.), 3.6 (Fr.), 3.7 (Fr.), 4.8, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 7.7, 8.3, 8.12, 14.11, 15.5
Housing, for mill workers
Fort Fairfield - 7.2
Stockholm - 4.7, 4.8, 4.9
See also boarding houses
Howard, Mrs. Ruth, Fort, Fairfield - 7.1
Howard, W. F., Fort Fairfield - 7.1
Howes, Frank, Oxbow - 5.11
Hunting - 1.2 (Fr.), 1.5(Fr.), 6.1, 8.8
See also guiding
See also wild animals
Ice cutting - 4.7, 14.1
Ice house - 14.1
Ice jams
See floods and ice jams
Ice racing (horses) - 5.14, 9.1, 14.3
Independent Telephone Company, Ashland - 5.6, 5.12
Indians - 0.00, 1.3 (Fr), 1.9 (Fr.), 2.7 (Fr.), 6.2, 7.6, 8.2, 8.4, 12.2, 12.7
Indians, contacts with white families - 3.4 (Fr.), 8.7, 8.12, 9.1, 12.7, 14.11
Indians, Maliseets (Malecites) - 12.6, 12.7. 14.8
Indians, relics and remains (burial grounds) - 8.4, 13.2
Indians, lore and legends - 7.6, 8.4, 12.6, 13.2
Indian Princess (Malabeam) legend - 0.00, 6.2 (Micmac error), 7.6, 8.4, 12.6, 13.2
Ingersoll, Richard - 9.11
Inman, Joseph, Houlton, interviewer
International Boundary Commission, 1909 - 14.10
International rivalry and controversy
France vs. England, 1600 - 1763 - 0.00
United States vs. Britain, 1783 - 1842 - 0.00, 12.7
Irish families - 1.9 (Fr.), 14.10, 14.12
Island Falls, Maine
Churches - 10.1, 10.2
Emerson, Martin - 9.5
Indian (lumbering stories) - 9.5
Railroad - 10.1, 10.2
Tannery - 10.1, 10.2
Italian workers, railroads - 4.6, 7.6, 5.12
Jackson, Aaron, St. Francis - 8.4, 8.5, 8.6
Jackson, Rosie, St. Francis - 8.4, 8.6
Jails - 4.7
Jardine, Autice, Washburn - 15.6
Jardine, Myrtle, Washburn, interviewer
Jemptland, New Sweden (also East Jemptland and West Jemptland) - 4.7, 4.10
Jewish population - 9.12
Johnson, Isa, Houlton - 9.11
Johnson, Warren, in Aroostook War - 7.9
Johnson, William, pioneer, Fort Fairfield - 7.9
Johnston, Edward, Fort Fairfield - 7.3
Johnston, John, Fort Fairfield, obituary 1904, - 7.9
Johnston, Olive Stevens, Fort Fairfield - 7.2
Johnston, Rose Trask, Fort Fairfield - 7.7
Kavanaugh (Edward) and Deane Commission Report, 1831 - 14.8, 14.12
Keaton, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo, Caribou - 6.1
Keegan, Maine - 8.5
Keegan, family genealogy - 14.10
Keegan, Peter Charles, Sage of the St. John - 12.6, 14.10, 14.12, 14.14
Keegan (sorting) Gap - 8.1, 8.5
Kelly, Edith, Allagash - 8.10
Ketchum and Clayton, lumber operators - 5.12
Kimball, Mary Fowle, Fort Fairfield - 7.8
Kindling mill (Ashland and Eagle Lake) - 5.1, 5.5
Knox, George, stories - 9.5
Ku Klux Klan - 15.1
Lajoie, Mrs. Rose, Van Buren - 3.1 (Fr.)
La Croix mill - 14.3
Landfors, Lillian, Stockholm (Mrs. Fritz Anderson) - 4.2 (Swedish), 4.7
Lard making - 2.3
Larson, Albin V., Houlton - 9.13
Larsson, Julius - 5.6
Law enforcement, Madawaska - 2.1 (Fr.), 8.12
Law enforcement and officers, Stockholm - 4.7
Lebanon district, New Sweden - 4.2 (Swedish)
Lebel, Antoine, Van Buren - 3.2 (Fr.)
Lee, Gen. Robert E., stay in Aroostook - 14.11
Christie, Augusta - 13.4
Gagnon, (Honoré) - 14.11
Gagnon, Mildred Smith - 14.10
Keegan. Peter Charles - 14.10
Theriault, Patrick - 12.7
Theriault, Peter - 12.6, 12.7
Violette, Elmer - 14.6, 14.11
Violette, Vital - 14.6
Levasseur, Frances, Van Buren - 12.7 14.12
Levasseur, Frances, Van Buren, interviewer
Libby, Josiah - 9.11
Ashland - 5.12
Lighting, pre-electricity - 3.6 (Fr.), 4.10, 8.12
Limestone, Maine
Trading - 7.9
Lindsten, Annie, Westmanland - 4.2 (Swedish)
Lindsten, George, Westmanland - 4.2 (Swedish)
Limestone Air Force Base - 13.3
Liquors - 1.4 (Fr.), 1.6 (Fr.), 8.2
Livery stables
Ashland - 5.14
Fort Fairfield - 7.9
Houlton - 9.3
Presque Isle - 13.5
Livestock slaughtering, general - 4.8
See lard making
See sausage making
Log drives - 5.1, 6.1, 8.1. 8.2, 8.3, 8.5, 14.7, 15.9
Log houses, building - 1.6 (Fr.)
Log jams and breaking - 8.5, 9.5
Logan, Asael, Houlton - 9.5, 9.6
Logan, Fred, Houlton. "The Penobscot Lumber Woods" - 9.5
Lombard Steam Log Haulers - 5.5, 5.6. 8.1. 8.3
Long, Joe, bridge, Fort Kent - 8.2
Lathrop, J_____, Ashland, interviewer
Lowrey, Marjorie, Houlton, Maine - 9.11
Loyalists - 0.00 14.6 (side 2)
Lumber camps, as markets - 0.00, 1.3 (Fr.)
Lumber companies and operators
Ashland Lumber Co. - 5.4, 5.5, 5.13
Brown - 8.1
Cole & Pingree - 5.2
Cunliffe - 8.1, 8.2
Fort Kent Mills Co. - 8.3
Fraser Co. - 2.1 (Fr.), 12.6
Great Northern Paper Co. - 1.2
Marquis, Ben - 1.1 (Fr.)
Perrault, Roland - 1.1 (Fr.)
Pond, Ed - 8.1, 8.2
Realty Pulpwood Mill Co. - 6.1
St. John Lumber Co. - 8.2
Stetson and Blanchard - 5.1
Stockholm Lumber Co. - 4.7, 3.7
Stockholm, lumber companies - 9.13, 4.7
"The Corporation" - 8.2
Lumber towns, major
See Ashland (Sheridan)
Van Buren
Lumbering, types
See kindling mill
pine lumbering
pulpwood operations
shingle making & mills
veneer mills
Lumbering and lumber industry - 0.00, 1.1 (Fr.), 1,2 (Fr.), 1.3 (Fr.), 1.7(Fr.), 2.6 (Fr.), 3.2 (Fr.), 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.13, 6.1, 8.1, 8.2, 8.8, 10.1, 14.3, 14.6 (side 2), 10.1
Lumbering camps - 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.13, 8.1, 8.2, 13.5
Lumbering camps - building - 3.2 (Fr.), 8.1
Lumbering camps - cooking and food - 5.13, 8.1, 13.5
Lumbering operations, description and terms - 5.1, 8.1, 8,2, 8.5
Lumberman's Museum, Patten - 10.1
Lumbermen, making use of train - 1.3 (Fr.)
Lutheran population and churches
New Sweden - 4.7
Stockholm - 4.7
Lydia Trask Putnam Chapter, D.A.R., Houlton - 9.11
McAfee, Don, Houlton, on guitar - 9.6
McBriety, Eva, Allagash - 8.12
MacIlroy, Dorene L., interviewer, Stockholm and New Sweden, Houlton
McIntire, Clifford - 15.5
McIntire, Rufus, Maine Land Agent in Aroostook War - 7.8
McLeod, Louise, Limestone - 11.1
McNally, Ira, Ashland - 5.13, 5.14
Madawaska Centennial Book - 12.7
Madawaska Centennial Pageant - 12.2
Madawaska Historical Society and papers - 12.3, 12.4
Madawaska Lake - 4.7
Madawaska, Maine
American settlers - 12.7, 14.12
Businesses - 12.7
Churches and church history - 2.2 (Fr.), 2.5 (Fr.), 12.2, 12.3, 12.7
Famine, 1797 - 12.2, 12.7
Founders and early history - 12.7, 14.12
In boundary controversy - 12.2, 14.12
Incorporation and controversy 1831 - 12.7, 14.12
Incorporation and history, 1869+ - 12.2, 12.7
Railroads - 12.1 12.2
Schools and education - 2.2 (Fr.), 2.5 (Fr.), 2.8 (Fr.), 12.2
Madawaska Territory (disputed district, Acadian settlements, Madawaska Valley) - 0.00, 12.7, 14.12
Madawaska. The Aunt of Madawaska, La Tante du Madawaska
See Thibodeau, Marguerite Blanche
"Madawaska Territory Song" in French - 14.7
Madawaska Training School - 2.5 (Fr.), 8.13, 14.8
Madawaska Valley, Madawaska Territory
Area settled by Acadians - 12.7, 14.12
Description - 12.7
See boundary controversy and related headings
See subheadings under Acadians
See major towns: Fort Kent, Madawaska, Van Buren
Madigan, James, Education Commissioner, work with Acadians - 14.8
Madore Road - 3.3 (Fr.)
Mail carriers and mail deliveries - 6.1, 6.2, 7.4
Maine, State of, interests in boundary controversy - 0.00, 14.8
Maine, State of. land policies - 0.00
Maliseets, Malecites
See Indians
Maple Grove clay soil - 7.8
Maple Grove settlement, Fort Fairfield - 7.6, 7.8
Maple sugar candy, making - 6.1
Maple sugar industry - 15.9
Maple syrup and maple sugar making - 1.1 (Fr.), 1.5 (Fr.), 1.6 (Fr.), 1.7 (Fr.), 1.9 (Fr.), 2.2 (Fr.), 2.4 (Fr.), 2.8 (Fr.), 14.15
Mapleton, Maine - 5.11, 13.2, 13.5
Schools - 13.1
Mardi Gras celebrations - 2.5 (Fr.)
Marquis, Ben, lumber operator - 1.1 (Fr.)
Marquis, Justina. P., Van Buren - 14.13
Mars Hill - early radio - 13.6
Martin, Paul, Fort Kent, interviewer
Masardis, Maine
Congregational church - 5.8
Massachusetts land agents - 0.00
Mattawamkeag River, lumbering - 10.1
Mayhew, Bernadette, Madawaska - 12.3
Meat smoking and preservation - 1.6 (Fr.), 3.6 (Fr.), 4.7, 6.2
Meat stores and deliveries - 14.3, 14.9
Medicines - 1.5 (Fr.), 9.8
See also home remedies and homemade medicines
Melvin, Mrs. Charlotte Lenentine, consultant, Aroostook Oral History Project; interviewer New Sweden, Stockholm
Michaud, Mr. and Mrs. ________, Van Buren - 14.1
Michaud, David, Fort Kent - 8.13
Michaud, Leo, Ashland, on banjo - 5.7
Michaud, Joseph T. (Michaud farm) - 8.3, 8.7
Michaud, Mary Jane, Van Buren - 14.9
Michaud family, Van Buren - 14.6
Micmacs, erroneously substituted for Mohawks in recounting Indian legend - 6.2
Midsummer festival, Swedish towns - 4.2 (Swedish)
Midwives - 8.6, 8.12
Military Road ("Houlton Road") - 9.11
Milk storage - 2.2 (Fr.)
Mills, accidents - 4.10, 9.13
Mills, effects of closing
Stockholm - 4.7, 4.8, 4.9
Van Buren - 14.3
Mills, grist - 5.12, 7.9, 8.2
Mills, lumber
Ashland Lumber Co. - 5.4
Atlas Plywood Co. - 4.7, 9.13
Eagle Lake Mill - 5.11, 8.2
Fort Kent Mills Co. - 8.13
Haines, Will, mill - 7.9
Hamlin Lumber mills - 3.7 (Fr.)
"Hez" Day mill - 5.10
Kindling mill - 5.5
La Croix mill - 14.3
Morrison's mill - 8.5
Portage Lake Mill Co. - 5.6
Price Bros. mill - 14.7
Sheridan mills - 5.5
Standard Veneer Co. - 4.7, 9.13
Stockholm mills - 4.7, 9.13
Violette Bros. - 14.6
See also clothespin mill
lumber companies and operators
shingle mills
veneer mills
Millwork and millworkers - 4.10, 9.13
Ministers, traveling - 8.12
Mirimichi, New Brunswick - 8.2
Mission Church
See Evangelical Covenant Church
Missionaries, French - 12.6
Mitchell, Joe, Patten - 9.5
Molasses taffy making - 2.2 (Fr.), 6.1
Monticello, Maine, roads - 0.00
Morehouse, George, New Brunswick official, in boundary controversy - 14.12
Morey, Alice, Fort Kent, interviewer
Morin, Fedime - 2.1 (Fr.)
Mt. Carmel Chapel - 6.2, 12.6, 12,2
Mt. Katahdin, climbing and climbers - 9.9
Climbing 1925 - 9.9
Movies and movie houses - 4.8
Munson, Alta and Earl, Washburn - 15.4
Murder (Cullins) - 5.11
Murphy, Murray, Presque Isle - 13.2
Music, country. (Comparison, North and South, examples) - 9.6
Music, Old time music and songs - 7.5, 9.6
Naturalization - 4.7, 6.1
Negro Brook (also Nigger Brook) - 6.1, 8.3, 8.7
Negroes, in a woods crew - 5.12
Neighbors and neighborliness - 2.4 (Fr.), 3.1 (Fr.), 4.2 (Swedish), 7.9, 8.2, 8.12
Nelson, Mr, and Mrs, George Nelson, Stockholm - 4.9
New Brunswick, officials in boundary dispute - 14.12
New Canada - 1.4 (Fr.)
New England Telephone and Telegraph Company - 3.5 (Fr.)
New Limerick, Maine. Shaw's Tannery - 9.2
New Sweden, Maine
Agriculture - 4.2 (Swedish), 4.6
Anniversaries - 4.6
Band - 4.1 (Swedish), 4.2 (Swedish)
Centennial - 4.4 (Swedish)
Churches - 4.2 (Swedish)
Districts - 4.2 (Swedish)
Early developments - 4.1 (Swedleb) 4.6
Founding - 4.1 (Swedish), 4.6
Later changes - 4.1 (Swedish)
Mills - 4.6, 4.7
Railroads - 4.6, 4.7
Recent times - 4.6
Schools - 4.1 (Swedish), 4.7, 4.10
Stores and businesses - 4.1 (Swedish), 4.6,
Swedish settlers - 4.1 (Swedish), 4.6, 4.8, 4.9
Doctors' services - 4.2 (Swedish)
See also Stockholm
New Year's customs - 2.2 (Fr.), 6.2
Newspapers, regularly received - 8.12
Nigger Brook (Negro Brook) - 6.1, 8.3, 8.7
Normal schools - 2.5 (Fr.), 4.10, 13.1
Northern Maine Fair - 13.5
Northern Maine Vocational Institute - 13.4
Noyes, Levi - 9.11
Oats - 4.2 (Swedish), 9.1
Oddfellows and Rebekahs, Stockholm - 4.7
Oliver, Stella, Cary - 9.4
Orcutt, Georgia, Ashland - 5.6
Ouellette. Euphemie Daigle, Van Buren - 3.6 (Fr.)
Our Lady of the Snows, Frenchville - 5.9
Ovens, outdoor - 1.7 (Fr.)
Oxbow Flats - 5.5
Oxbow Road to Knowles Corner - 5.11
Oxen, use of - 1.9 (Fr.), 3.6 (Fr.), 3.7, 4.2 (Swedish), 8.2, 10.1
Page, John Lewis, Fort Kent - 8.9
Paradis, Mr. and Mrs. William, Van Buren - 3.4 (Fr.)
Parker, Lester, Fort Fairfield - 7.5
Parks, Van Buren - 14.3
Patten, Maine - 1.2 (Fr.), 9.13, 10.1
Patterson, Tommie, stories - 15.4
Peas, raising for market
Houlton - 9.1
Stockholm - 4.7
Fprt Fairfield - 7.5
For Kent - 8.1
Madawaska - 2.4 (Fr.)
Washburn - 15.5
Pelletier, Belone, Fort Kent - 8.1, 8.2
Pelletier, Martine, Van Buren, interviewer
Pelletier, Tom, Allagash - 8.3, 8.4
Penobcot River. East Branch log drive & lumbering - 9.5, 10.1
Perham, Maine
History - 15.9
Mills - 15.9
Railroad - 15.9
Perrault, Roland, lumber operator - 1.1 (Fr.)
Phair Junction and railroad station - 7.1
Pine lumbering - 0.00, 8.1, 8.5,8.8, 10.1
Pinkham, Niles and Tom S., lumber mills - 8.13
Pioneer conditions, described - 0.00
See boats and canoes
Plante, Rev. Georges, Ashland - 5.9
Plays community, Van Buren - 14.10
Plissey, Arthur, Washburn - 15.3
Plymouth Grant, Fort Fairfield - 0.00, 7.4
Poirier, Lee, Sr., Van Buren - 14.7
General - 2.1 (Fr.)
Police car - 2.1 (Fr.)
Snowmobile - 2.1 (Fr.)
Politicians, Perham - 15.9
See also legislators
"Polack" workers, mills - 5.5
Pond, Ed., lumbering activities, "The Corporation', invention of the boom - 8.1, 8.2, 8.5
Portage Lake, Maine - 5.6 5.9
Portage (Lake) Mill Company - 5.6
Potato baskets - 3.2 (Fr.)
Potato farming, machinery and equipment - 3.2 (Fr.), 4.6, 4.7, 7.3, 7.6, 7.8, 7.10, 9.1, 9.3
Potato farming, shipping - 7.10
Potato harvesting (picking) by hand - 4.6
Potato house construction - 7.10
Potato houses - 5.3, 9.1, 14.14
Potato industry - 0.00, 4.7, 5.3, 7.3
Potato inspection - 12.4
Potato marketing and marketing equipment - 5.3, 7.3, 7.8
Potato prices - 4.7, 7.3
Potato shipping and railroad equipment - 4.2 (Swedish), 5.3, 7.3, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3
Potato shipping, pre-Bangor and Aroostook Railroad - 9.2
Potato varieties - 7.3
Potatoes, seed - 0.00
Potbellied stove - 14.2
Powers Creek, New Brunswick - 14.11
Presque Isle Army Base - 13.3
Presque Isle, Maine
Band - 13.1
Becomes a city - 13.1
Building construction - 4.9
Businesses - 9.12, 13.4
Presque Isle, Army Base - 13.3
Radio and television - 13.6
Price, Blanche, Washburn - 15.2
Price Brothers, mill - 14.7
Prices, comparative (commodities) - 1.6 (Fr.), 3.4 (Fr.), 7.10, 8.1, 8.2, 13.5, 14.2
Traveling priests - 8.12
Visiting lumber camps - 8.2
See also Catholic churches and missions
Prisoners of War, World War II, Presque Isle - 13.3
Professional men (doctors, politicians, ministers) Perham - 15.9
Prohibition years - 2.1 (Fr.)
Pulp mill - 5.5
Pulpwood operations - 1.2 (Fr.), 6.1
Putnam, Amos - 9.11
Putnam, Fred, Houlton - 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 13.6
Quacks (doctors), "Montana Harry" - 9.8
Quakers - 7.6, 7.8, 7.9
Quebec, Province of, Canada
Canadians to Madawaska Valley - 6.2, 14.8
Market for supplies - 1.7 (Fr.), 8.1
Quigley. Mr., quoted in French on Acadians - 14.8
Race tracks
See Ashland
Trotting Park, Fort Fairfield
Radio stations - 3.5, 13.6
Radios, coming of - 1.2 (Fr.), 1.4 (Fr.)
Rafford, Dana, Ashland, on fiddle - 5.7
Rafford, Elizabeth, Ashland - 5.10
Railroading - 7.1
Railroads - 1.4, 8.4
Aroostook Valley Railroad - 4.6, 15.1
Bangor & Aroostook Railroad - 1.3 (Fr.), 13.2
Canadian Pacific Railroad - l.3 (Fr.)
First railroads - 0.00
New Brunswick Railroads - 0.00
St. Andrews and Canadian Railroad - 7.9
Temiscouata Railroad (Canadian) - 8 4, 8.7, 8.8
See also name of railroad
Railroads, building. Techniques and workers - 1.1 (Fr.), 1.3 (Fr.), 4.6, 5.5, 5.12
Railroads, Canadian - 0.00
See also Canadian Pacific Railroad
New Brrunswick Railroads
St. Andrews and Canadian Railroad
Temiscouata Railroad
Railroads, effects on communities - 0.00
Ashland area (Catholic missions) - 5.9
New Sweden - 4.6
Stockholm - 4.7, 4.8
Railroads, effects on potato industry - 0.00, 7.3
Railroads, freight handling - 7.1 (side 2)
Railroads, mail - 1.3 (Fr.)
Railroads, telegraph operators - 7.1
Railroads, ticket services - 7.1
Raspberry factory - 3.3 (Fr.), 14.3, 14.7
Rasmussen, Carl, Fort Fairfield - 7.10
Raymond, Mrs. Joseph, Caribou (See for French customs) - 6.2
Realty Pulpwood Mill Co. - 6.1
Rebekah Lodge, Stockholm - 4.7
Recipes and household hints - 7.8
Recreational activities in old days - 1.3 (Fr.), 1.4 (Fr.), 4.1 (Swedish), 4.2 (Swedish), 4.7, 8.12, 9.1, 12.6, 13.5, 15.1
Woods camps - 5.4, 6.1, 8.8
Registry of Deeds, Madawaska and Fort Kent - 12.7
Religious customs - 2.4 (Fr.), 3.1 (Fr.), 6.2
Religion and religious activities
See each town
See each denomination
See French-Acadian customs
See Swedish customs
Religious services, difficulties of travel to - 1.5 (Fr.)
Religious services, in absence of priest - 12.7, 14.6
Rice, John Francis, Edmunsten, N.B. - 14.12
Richards, Eliphalet - 9.11
Richards, Eric, Houlton - 9.6
Richards, James - 9.1
Ricker Classical Institute - 5.2, 9.2, 9.3
Ricker College - 9.2
River crossing, by basket - 12.3
River flats - 8.4
Rivermen - 8.2, 8.6
Rivers, importance of - 0.00
Road building - 2.3 (Fr.), 12.4
Roads, importance of in early days - 0.00, 5.2, 5.12, 8.1
Roads, maintenance for lumbering - 3.2 (Fr.), 5.4
Roads, maintenance of winter roads - 12.4
Robbinson Potato planter - 4.7, 9.3
Robinson, Pearl Trask, Fort Fairfield - 7.7
Rogers, Lore A., Island Falls and Patten - 10.1
Russian workers, mills - 5.5
Russians, immigrants and businessmen - 9.12
Fort Fairfield - 7.9
Raised in Swedish settlements - 4.2 (Swedish)
Sacred Heart Church, North Caribou - 6.2
St. Agatha, Maine - 14.8, 14.15
Church customs - 12.6
St. Andrew and Canadian Railroad - 7.9
St. Anne's Catholic Church, Ashland - 5.9
St. Basile Church, Edmunston - 12.7
St. Daigle Parish - 14.14
St. David, Madawaska
Church and church activities - 2.8 (Fr.), 14.6, 14.8
Fiftieth anniversary, 1922 - 2.2 (Fr.), 2.3 (Fr.), 2.5 (Fr.), 12.4, 14.13
St. Francis, Maine
Railroad - 6.1, 8.4
St. Francis River, as part of boundary - 8.7
St. Germain, Joseph "Squirrel", Wallagras - 1.2 (Fr.)
St. Jean Port Jolie, Quebec, Canada, as market - 1.7 (Fr.), 8.1
St. John Lumber Co. mill - 8.2
St. John River
As transportation route - 0.00
Description - 8.7, 12.7
Origin of name - 12.7
See lumbering tapes
See Madawaska tapes
St. John River Valley
As a geographic region - 0.00, 12.7
Early history - 0.00
Description of upper region - 8.8, 12.7
Ste Leonard, New Brunswick, for supplies - 3.3 (Fr.)
St. Luce Parish, Upper Frenchville - 14.8
St. Mary's College, Van Buren - 14.8, 14.10
St. Pierre, Edgar, Fort Kent - 1.7 (Fr.) (side 2)
St. Pierre, Flora Caron Saucier, Van Buren - 3.5 (Fr.)
Saucier, Orvila, Eagle lake - 1.4 (Fr.)
Saucier, Solomon, Fort Kent - 1.1 (Fr.)
Sausage making - 2.3 (Fr.), 2.4 (Fr.), 4.8
Saws, crosscut - 9.4
Sawyer, George, Ashland - 5.11
Schools, discipline - 4.7
School, one-room - 1.7 (Fr.), 2.5 (Fr.), 4.10, 5.10, 13.4
School sessions - 2.5 (Fr.), 3.3 (Fr.), 6.1
School, summer - 4.7, 6.1
Schooling - 2.3 (Fr.), 2.4 (Fr.), 2.8 (Fr.), 3.1 (Fr.), 3.6 (Fr.), 4.1 (Swedish), 4.2 (Swedish), 4.6, 4.7, 4.9, 5.2, 5.10,, 6.1, 7.4, 8.6, 8.12, 10.2, 12.2, 14.3, 14.10, 15.3, 15.6
Schools - 1.5 (Fr.), 1.7 (Fr.), 2.2 (Fr.), 2.5 (Fr.), 2.8 (Fr.), 4.1 (Swedish), 4.2 (Swedish), 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 5.2, 5.10, 6.1, 7.4, 8.3, 8.6, 10.2, 12.2, 14.7, 14.8, 14.9, 15.3
Schools, transportation to - 4.8
By dugout - 14.10
By sled - 3.3 (Fr.), 4.10. 14.9, 15.3
Seeley, Linwood, Fort Fairfield, obituary - 7.9
Senior citizens, organizations and activities - 9.4
Sewer system, Van Buren - 14.3
Sewing circles, Stockholm - 4.8
Shakespeare Club, Houlton - 9.2
Sheep raising and sheepherding - 1.4 (Fr.), 3.6 (Fr.), 4.2 (Swedish), 8.7
Shelley, Catherine. Poem "Spring Riches" - 8.8
Sheridan (Ashland) mills - 5.1, 5.5
Sheridan settlement (Ashland) - 5.5, 5.9, 5.10
Boarding houses - 5.5
Businesses - 5.5
Bangor & Aroostook Railroad - 5.5
Mills - 5.5
Social life - 5.5
Shingle-making - 0.00, 8.1, 14.5
Shingle mills - 3.2 (Fr.), 7.9
Shingles, selling - 14.2
Shoes, shoemocs, homemade - 1.6 (Fr.), 3.4 (Fr.), 4.8
Sister Margarita, Van Buren - 3.4 (Fr.)
Skiing - 4.7
Ski making - 4.2 (Swedish)
Sleds, for potato hauling - 9.1
Smith, Myrtle, Washburn - 15.5
Smith, Thomas, Supt. of Schools, Hamlin, - 14.10
Smuggling - 1.2 (Fr.), 6.2, 8.1, 8.2, 8.9, 12.3
Snowmobiles - 2.1 (Fr.)
Snowstorms and snowbanks - 5.1, 7.1 (side 2), 9.5, 14.11
Soapmaking - 2.3 (Fr.), 4.8, 12.7
Social customs, Madawaska - 12.3
Social life (balls, box socials, clubs, dances, frolics, musicians both local and from afar, opera house, traveling shows) - 1.9 (Fr.), 2.5 (Fr.), 3.3 (Fr.), 3.6 (Fr.), 4.1 (Swedish), 4.2 (Swedish), 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 5.2, 5.5, 5.10, 6.2, 7.9, 8.2, 8.3, 8.12, 13.1, 15.5, 15.6
Sockalexis - 9.1
Soderberg, Monica, interviewer Stockholm and New Sweden (Swedish)
Soderberg, Mrs. Elsie, New Sweden - 4.2 (Swedish), 4.8
Caribou loam - 7.9
Maple Grove clay - 7.8
Soldier Pond Settlement, origin of name - 1.9
Song "Picking Potatoes" - 3.4 (Fr.)
Songs, French - 3.4 (Fr.), 6.2, 14.5, 14.7, 14.12
Songs and music - 5.7, 9.6
Songs and poems, traditional - 5.1, 8.4, 8.6
Soucy, Ernest, Van Buren - 3.3 (Fr.), 14.3
Sourdough and potato yeast - 5.13, 6.1, 8.1
Basketball - 15.3
Spring tonic - 14.15
Square dance music and callers - 9.5, 9.6
Squatters and legal cases - 14.10
Staceyville - 1.2 (Fr.)
Stage coaches - 0.00
Stage driving - 10.1
Standard Veneer Co. mills, Stockholm - 4.7, 4.10, 9.13
Starch (potato) factories - 3.2 (Fr.), 4.6, 7.4
Starch (potato) industry - 0.00
State chi1dren, caring for - 9.4
Step dancing - 9.5
Stetson & Blanchard, lumber operations (Stetson Mill Settlement) -
Stevensville Settlement, Fort Fairfield - 7.2
Stimpson, Anne, Presque Isle, interviewer
Stockholm, Maine
Agriculture - 4.7, 4.10
Band - 4.2, 4.7
Boarding houses and hotels - 4.8, 4.9
Cemeteries - 4.2 (Swedish)
Church and Sunday school activities - 4.2 (Swedish), 4.7
Depression years - 4.7
Districts - 4.7
Early developments - 4.7
Early Swedish settlers - 4.7, 4.10
English immigrants - 4.9
Farming - 4.7, 4.10
Fire department - 4.7
French inhabitants - 4.7
Mills and lumber industry - 4.2 (Swedish), 4.7, 9.13
Railroads - 4.7, 4.9
Schools - 4.2 (Swedish), 4.7, 4.10
Stores and businesses - 4.2 (Swedish), 4.7, 4.8, 4.9
Stockholm Band - 4.7
Stockholm Lumber Company - 4.7. 4.10
Stockholm, mills - 4.7, 9.13
Allen Quimby Co.
Atlas Plywood Co.
Clothespin mill
Perry and Yerxa
Quimby & Trafton
Standard Box Co.
Standard Veneer Co.
Stockholm Lumber Co.
Storage, milk - 4.7
Storms, hail, ice, snow, etc. - 4.1 (Swedish), 5.6
Straw rides - 4.1 (Swedish)
Suéron, Father (Charles), historical figure - 14.8
"Sugar Heights", Stockholm, origin of name - 4.7
Sunday in the woods camp - 6.1
Sunday school and activities - 4.7
Superstitions - 1.3 (Fr.), 2.8 (Fr.)
Brown, John, Fort Kent - 8.11
Swedish cooking - 4.1 (Swedish), 4.2 (Swedish), 4.7, 4.8
Swedish customs and language - 4.1 (Swedish), 4.2 (Swedish), 4,6, 4.7, 4.8
Swedish immigration - 0.00, 4.1 (Swedish), 4.2 (Swedish), 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10
See also New Sweden
Swedish language
Adjustment to English - 4.1 (Swedish), 4.2 (Swedish), 4.7, 4.10
Retention in Swedish towns - 4.7
Tapes in - 4.1, 4.2
Sylvester, Climena, Ashland - 5.3, 5.8
Syrian customs - 7.5
Syrians, Fort Fairfield - 7.5
Tall, Axel, Stockholm - 4.10
Tall tales - 8.6, 8.7 (Tom "Old Tom" Gardner), 9.5
Tanneries - 9.2, 14.3
Tapley, Elden, Madawaska - 12.1
Taxi service - 9.3
Teacher training and certification - 2.5 (Fr.), 4.7, 4.10
Teachers on teaching experiences - 1.3 (Fr.), 2.5 (Fr.), 3.6 (Fr.), 4.10, 5.10, 8.11, 13.1, 13.4, 14.8, 14.11, 14.9
Teamsters - 5.11, 8.2, 14.10
Telegraph service and operators - 3.5 (Fr.), 5.6
Telephone companies
See Aroostook Telephone Co.
Independent Telephone Co. (Ashland)
New England Telephone & Telegraph Co.
Telephones and telephone service - 3.5 (Fr.), 4.6, 5.6
Television - 13.6
Temiscouata Railriad (Canadian) - 8.4, 8.7
Theriault, Elizabeth, Ashland, interviewer
Theriault, Joseph, Ashland (Sheridan) - 5.5
Theriault, Patrick - 12.6, 12.7
Thibodeau, Mrs. Blanche, Caribou - 6.2
Thibodeau, Marguerite Blanche, "La Tante du Madawaska" - 12.2, 12.7
Thomas, W. W., Jr., New Sweden founder - 0.00, 4.6
Thornton, Alice Ingersoll, Houlton - 9.11
Thurlough, James, County Commissioner, diary - 7.4
Tobacco, chewing - 1.9 (Fr.)
Tobique (Andover), New Brunswick - 7.9
Tobique Narrows - 9.5
Toboggans, motor - 2.1 (Fr.)
Toting, description and experiences - 4.10, 5.4, 8.2
"Tough End", Houlton - 9.8, 9.12
Towle, Mary Estes, Fort Fairfield, genealogy and old letters - 7.8
Town affairs, meetings and officials
Hamlin - 14.10
Houlton - 9.3
Madawaska - 12.2, 12.7
Van Buren - 14.10, 14.13
Town meetings - 9.3
Houlton - 9.3
Stockholm - 4.7
Van Buren - 14.7
Tramps - 2.4 (Fr.)
Transportation and means - 1.3 (Fr.), 3.3 (Fr.), 4.1 (Swedish), 4.6, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 14.5, 14.9
Allagash - 8.6
Stockholm - 4.2 (Swedish)
Trask, Lydia (Mrs. Joseph Houlton) story - 9.11
Trees, record
Pine - 9.5
Umphrey, Harry - 13.6
Turnips, as special crop
Ashland - 5.10
New Sweden - 4.1, 4.6
Union Congregational Church, Ashland - 5.8
Unitarian Church, Houlton, history - 9.3
U.S. - History - Civil War - 14.2, 14.8
U.S. Post Office - 7.9
U.S. Weather Bureau - 9.7
University of Maine at Fort Kent
See Fort Kent College
Upper Frenchville, Maine - 14.8
Upper St. John Valley Region, as culture region - 14.8
Upsala district, New Sweden - 4.7
Van Buren, Maine
American settlers - 14.8
Background to French settlement
Bottling works - 14.2
Church - 14.8, 14.14
Custom house - 14.2
Doctors and hospitals - 3.5 (Fr.) (side 2), 14.3
Education - 14.2, 14.8, 14.9, 14.10
Ferry - 14.5
History - 14.6, 14.8
Lumber industry - 8.1, 14.1, 14.6, 14.10
Mills - 14.5, 14.10
Railroads - 14.9
Religious history - 14.6, 14.8, 14.13
Stores - 3.5 (Fr.) (side 2), 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.6, 14.9
Tannery - 2.8 (Fr.)
Van Buren, Maine 1910 (Boom times) - 3.5 (Fr.) (side 2), 3.7 (Fr.) (side 2)
Van Buren Circuit - 14.5
Veneer mills
See Stockholm, mills
Atlas Plywood Co.
Violette, Elmer, Van Buren - 14.6
Violette family, genealogical - 14.6
Violette, Mrs. Marcella Belanger (Mrs. Elmer), Van Buren - 14.8
Violette Brook - 2.7 (Fr.), 14.6
Violette Brook and settlement (Van Buren) - 8.1, 14.6
Violette, Vital, legislator, Van Buren - 14.6 (side 2)
Violette's camps (1900's) - 14.5
Violins and violin making - 14.15
Wade, Maine
History - 15.8
Schools - 15.8
Wages - 5.1, 5.6, 7.10, 8.1, 8.3, 14.8
Law enforcement - 2.1 (Fr.)
Lumbering - 1.7 (Fr.)
Teaching - 2.5 (Fr.), 4.7
Veneer mill - 9.13
Woods crew - 5.6, 9.4, 9.5
Wagons, makers
Taber, Silas, Houlton - 9.1, 9.3
Wallagrass Plantation, Maine - 1.2 (Fr.), 1.9 (Fr.)
Walsh, Margaret - 3.5 (Fr.)
War of 1812 - 0.00
Washburn, Maine - 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.5, 15.6
Aroostook Valley Railroad - 15.1, 15.2, 15,5, 15.6
Bangor & Aroostook Railroad - 15.5
Businesses - 15.5
Churches - 15.5, 15.6
Ferry - 15.1,
Fires - 15.1, 15.3
History - 15.5
Library - 15.5
Mills - 15.2
Newspaper - 15.5
Schools - 15.3, 15.5, 15.6
Tommy Patterson stories - 15.4
Veneer mill - 15.3
Washburn High School students. Interviewers
Water, scarcity - 3.6 (Fr.), 14.11
Water systems, Fort Fairfield - 7.2
Water systems, of wooden branches - 14.10
Watson Brothers Store, Van Buren - 14.2
Watson, Charles, Van Buren - 14.2
Watson, John E., - 14.2
Women's Christian Temperance Union - 13.4
Wealth, amount of land and number of sons - 6.2
Weather, general - 9.7
Weather predictions - 1.3 (Fr.)
Weather records and use of - 9.7
Wedding customs - 2.2 (Fr.), 2.3 (Fr.), 2.4 (Fr.), 4.2 (Swedish), 14.11
Webster-Ashburton Treaty - 0.00, 14.8
Welfare organizations and activities
Depression years - 4.7, 4.8, 8.1
Stockholm - 4.7, 4.8
Welfare policies
Fort Fairfield - 7.4
Swedish towns, early 1900's - 4.10
Well digging - 8.10
Well, of clay - 8.10
Wellington House, Fort Fairfield (formerly Fitzherbert's) - 7.9
Wessel's Hotel and Boarding House, Stockholm - 4.8
West: American westward movement, expansion
Agricultural competition - 0.00
Effect on populating Aroostook - 0.00
Western Union Telegraph Company - 3.5
Wheat, raising and harvesting - 1.4 (Fr.), 3.2 (Fr.), 5.12
Whiskey making - 1.1 (Fr.), 1.3 (Fr.), 1.9 (Fr.)
Wilcox, Larry, on history of Washburn - 15.7
Wild animals -
9.4, 5.13
Bears - 5.14, 8.4
Black cat (panther) - 8.6
Caribou - 8.7
Deer - 1.5 (Fr.), 5.13, 8.1, 8.7
Game - 8.3
Moose - 8.7
Raccoons - 5.13
Wild flowers - 14.15
Winter amusements - 3.7 (Fr.), 3.8 (Fr.), 14.9
See Ice racing
Winter roads, conditions and importance - 3.2 (Fr.), 4.10, 5.3, 6.2 8.7, 13.5
Winter supplies - 8.1, 8.6
Women, lives and experiences - 10.1
Cheese factory - 5.4
Farmer's wife - 7.7, 13.5
First woman to drive car - 5.2
Home and business - 4.8
Mill workers - 5.5, 9.13
Telephone operators - 5.6
Woman legislator - 13.4, 14.10
Women teachers - 2.5 (Fr.), 5.10, 8.11, 13.4, 14.8
Woods cook - 8.1, 8.12, 9.4
Women, shortage in early Madawaska colony - 6.2, 7.9
Wooden sidewalks - 4.8, 5.2, 14.2
Woodland, Maine
Railroad - 4.7
Swedish settlers - 0.00
See lumbering operations
Woods "Boss" - 8.1
Woods camp, building - 8.1
Woods camps, peddler's visits - 9.12
camps, recreation - 5.1, 8.2
Woodsmen, clothing - 5.4, 9.5
Woods projects, Depression years - 4.7, 8.1
Woods roads - 8.2
Woodsmen - 5.1, 5.4, 5.6, 5.13, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.7, 8.8, 13.2
Woodstock, N.B., relations with Houlton - 0.00
Wool, and use of - 0.00, 2.4 (Fr.), 3.4 (Fr.), 3.6 (Fr.), 3.7 (Fr.), 4.2 (Swedish), 6.2, 12.7
Wool, processing (carding) - 0.00, 3.6 (Fr.), 3.7 (Fr.), 8.2, 8.7, 12.6
World war I - 12.1, 15.2
Casualties - 4.7
F1u epidemic - see diseases and illnesses
Men serving - 4.2, 4.7
News of the peace - 3.5 (Fr.)
World War I, veterans - 1.2 (Fr.), 2.1 (Fr.), 4.7
World War II - 15.2
Casualties - 4.7
Home front - 13.4
Presque Isle Army Base - 13.3
Prisoners of War - 13.3
Wrightsville (Ashland) - 5.10
Young, George, Ashland - 5.12
Young people's organizations, Stockholm - 4.8
List of Contributors to the Aroostook Oral History Project 1971 - 1972
(Special Project Grant Funded By Title I, LSCA Funds)
Key: Location established by number
1. Fort Kent (French)
2. Madawaska (French)
3. Van Buren (French)
4. New Sweden, Stockholm (Swedish)
4.6 New Sweden, Stockholm (English)
5. Ashland
6. Caribou
7. Fort Fairfield
8. Fort Kent
9. Houlton
10. Island Falls
11. Limestone
12. Madawaska
13. Presque Isle
14. Van Buren
15. Washburn
0.00 Charlotte L. Melvin, Consultant, Aroostook Oral History Project 1972 (Funded by Title 1, LSCA Funds)
Fort Kent - French
1.1 Solomon Saucier
1.2 Joseph St. Germaine
1.3 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cyr
1.4 Orvila Saucier
1.5 Charles Cote, Firman Daigle and others
1.6 Onezime Cyr
1.7 Eugene Beaulieu, Edgar St. Pierre
1.9 Theophile Freeman
Madawaska - French
2.1 Fedime Morin
2.2 Mrs. Dan Cyr
2.3 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cyr & Mr. and Mrs. Rene Guerette
2.4 Mrs. Leonie Albert
2.5 Alice H. Daigle
2.6 Raymond Daigle
2.7 Tom Dufour
2.8 Mrs. Xavier Dufour & Felix Dufour
Van Buren - French
3.1 Mrs. Rose Lajoie
3.2 Antoine Lebel
3.3 Mrs. Isidore Dumont< & Ernest Soucy
3.4 Mrs. Euphemie Dubay & Sister Margarita & Mr. and Mrs. William Paradise
3.5 Clara St. Pierre & Margaret Walsh (English)
3.6 Euphemie Daigle Ouellette
3.7 Mrs. Remi Daigle & Isaac Harris
3.8 Christian Albert
New Sweden, Stockholm - Swedish
4.1 Henry Anderson
4.2 Fritz Anderson & George Lindsten, Miss Annie Lindsten, Mrs. Elsie Soderberg
New Sweden, Stockholm - English
4.6 Henry Anderson
4.7 Fritz and Lily Anderson
4.8 Mrs. Elsie Anderson, Mrs. Annie Fogelin, Mrs. Elsie Soderberg
4.9 Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson
4.10 Axel Tall
5.1 Gussie Beaulier
5.2 Katherine Coffin
5.3 Climena Sylvester & Benton Craig
5.4 Lyle Gardner
5.5 Joseph Theriault
5.6 Ora Daggett & Georgie Orcutt
5.7 Mac Beaulier, Leo Michaud, Dana Rafford & Country music
5.8 Delta Ellis & Climena Sylvester
5.9 Rev. George Plante
5.10 Elizabeth Rafford
5.11 George C. Sawyer
5.12 George Young & C. Fred Coffin
5.13 Ira McNally
5.14 Ira McNally
6.1 Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Keaton
6.2 Judith Collins - French songs and folklore
Fort Fairfield
7.1 Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Howard & Earl Dow
7.2 Olive Stevens Johnston
7.3 Edward Johnston
7.4 James Thurlough's diary - Rommy Haines
7.5 Lewis Ayoob & Lester Parker
7.6 Poems, Maple Grove
7.7 Rose Trask Johnston & Pearl Trask Robinson
7.8 Hazel Haines Cushman & Mary Towle Kimball
7.9 Zella Cogswell and Ike Carson & James Bernard
7.10 Carl Rasmussen
Fort Kent
8.1 Belone Pelletier
8.2 Belone Pelletier
8.3 Tom Pelletier
8.4 Tom Pelletier & Aaron and Rosie Jackson
8.5 Aaron Jackson
8.6 Aaron and Rosie Jackson
8.7 Jim Connors
8.8 Jim Connors
8.9 John and Lewis Page
8.10 Edith Kelly
8.11 Sophie Pinette Brown
8.12 Eva McBriety
8.13 Patricia Desjardin & David Michaud
9.1 Fred Putnam #1
9.2 Fred Putnam #2
9.3 Fred Putnam #3
9.4 Mrs. Stella Oliver
9.5 Asael Logan
9.6 Asael Logan, Don McAfee and Eric Richards
9.7 William Cumming (Weather)
9.8 William Cumming (Drugs)
9.9 William Cumming (Katahdin)
9.10 Bruce Campbell
9.11 DAR
9.12 Alfred Green
9.13 Albin Larson
Island Falls
10.1 Dr. Lore Rogers
10.2 Harriet Sewall Harmon, Nancy Sewall Cunningham, Maurice Cunningham
11.1 Autograph book
12.1 Elden Tapley
12.2 Alvey Dubois - Madawaska Centennial Pageant
12.3 Bernadette Mayhew
12.4 Ernest Chasse
12.5 Geraldine Chasse
12.6 Geraldine Chasse
12.7 Readings from Madawaska Centennial Book
Presque Isle
13.1 Frank Cunningham
13.2 Murray Murphy
13.3 Dorothy Dingwall
13.4 Augusta Christie
13.5 Mrs. Avis Dudley
13.6 Harold Glidden
Van Buren
14.2 Charles Watson
14.3 Ernest Soucy
14.5 Everett Dionne & Mathilda Derosier
14.6 Farrells and Michauds & Elmer Violette
14.7 Leo Poirier
14.8 Marcella Belanger Violette
14.9 Mrs. James Franck & Mary Jane Michaud
14.10 Mildred Smith Gagnon
14.11 Gerald Gagnon & Henrietta Dionne
14.12 Mrs. Frances Levasseur (Biog. of Hon. John Rice)
14.13 Justina P. Marquis
14.14 Sister Bertha Duperry
14.15 Marthe Cyr Genest
15.1 Everett Cary, Sr.
15.2 Blanche Price
15.3 Arthur Plissey & Helen Haines
15.4 Alta and Earl Munson
15.5 Mrs. Myrtle Smith
15.6 Autice Jardine
15.7 Myrtle Jardine & Larry Wilcox
15.8 Axie Fox
15.9 Evelyn Flewelling & Carol Blackstone